PHP Development Course

Building Dynamic Web Applications

Course Description: The PHP Development Masterclass is a comprehensive course designed to provide participants with the knowledge and practical skills required to become proficient PHP developers. This course covers PHP programming fundamentals, web development concepts, and advanced PHP techniques. Whether you are a beginner with no prior programming experience or an experienced developer looking to enhance your PHP skills, this course offers a step-by-step learning experience to become a proficient PHP developer.

Course Duration: 8 weeks (flexible learning schedule)

Course Syllabus:

Week 1: Introduction to PHP Programming

  • Introduction to server-side scripting
  • Setting up the PHP development environment
  • PHP syntax and data types
  • Control flow statements (conditionals and loops)

Week 2: PHP Functions and Arrays

  • Creating and using functions in PHP
  • Understanding PHP built-in functions
  • Working with arrays and manipulating array data
  • Array functions and array manipulation techniques

Week 3: Object-Oriented PHP

  • Understanding object-oriented programming (OOP) in PHP
  • Classes, objects, and methods in PHP
  • Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism in PHP
  • Creating and working with PHP classes and objects

Week 4: PHP and MySQL Database Integration

  • Introduction to MySQL database and SQL queries
  • Connecting PHP applications to MySQL database
  • Executing SQL statements and retrieving data
  • Handling result sets and database transactions

Week 5: Handling Forms and User Input

  • Handling form data and form validation in PHP
  • Working with superglobal variables (e.g., $_GET, $_POST)
  • Processing user input and displaying feedback
  • Uploading files using PHP

Week 6: PHP Web Development with Laravel

  • Introduction to the Laravel framework
  • Building web applications with Laravel
  • Routing, controllers, and views in Laravel
  • Database operations and migrations with Laravel

Week 7: Building RESTful APIs with PHP

  • Introduction to RESTful architecture
  • Designing and building RESTful APIs with PHP
  • Handling HTTP requests and responses
  • Authentication and authorization for APIs

Week 8: PHP Security and Best Practices

  • Common PHP security vulnerabilities and prevention techniques
  • Securing user input and data validation
  • Best practices for secure PHP application development
  • Error handling and logging in PHP applications

Course Delivery:

  • Instructor-led lectures and demonstrations
  • Hands-on coding exercises and assignments
  • Real-world project development
  • Q&A sessions and discussion forums
  • Code reviews and feedback from instructors
  • Additional resources for further self-study


  • Basic understanding of web development concepts (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Familiarity with programming concepts (variables, functions, loops)

Target Audience:

  • Beginners with no prior programming experience
  • Web developers looking to expand their skill set with PHP
  • IT professionals seeking to learn PHP development
  • Students and professionals interested in backend web development
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